Wednesday, February 20, 2002
Ok, so I haven't posted in 10 days. Bite me. Sometimes real life happens while you're blogging. And although I do love sitting down and writing here, at times I just like to turn the ole brain off completely, and just veg out. No thoughts, no typing, nuthin' my friend. Brain silence. And then again, at times I just don't wanna replay my whole freakin' day sucked the first time around, and the last thing I want to do is re-hash the whole damn thing all over again. Get it? Got it.

I think I'm kinda in a blog boredom phase here lately. (see I go through alot of phases. I'm kinda like the moon!) Anyway, even reading them lately has become a bore for me. They're all basically the same, in one manner or another. Just different layouts and graphics, opinions and links, photos and comments. After awhile though, they all blurr together in a whirl of html code and bullshit. Like a big "journalist- wannabe" garbage disposal. Boring. This is boring. I'm done venting. Nuff said.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:25 PM | Permalink |