Monday, December 03, 2001
Note to self: never, ever, never ever, ride with any co-workers, to any meetings, anywhere, ever. Period. Today was the second time that I had near death experiences while riding with a co-worker to an out-of-state meeting. Two times, two crazy ass freakin' drivers. Not good crazy....suck ass, nail biting, feet pressed to the floor board, praying to God crazy! I should have known I was in trouble when we got into the car, and she drove with her chest against the wheel. We merged onto the interstate (merging is a whole nuther story), and thats where it all goes awry. Speed limit in the highway is 65, so most are driving around 70 or so. Well not us. We Couldn't just maintain one speed. Hell no....we like variety here, so lets just try out all the speeds. In fact, we'll alternate like every 20 seconds or so. So lets go 55, then up to 70, drop down to 50 for a bit, then speed up to 65 only to drop down to 55 cause a truck ahead of us is creeping along. Now we could pass him, as there's no one in the passing lane. For miles. But no, we'll follow him for a bit. Just chat and enjoy the scenery. Then we get a brain-storm like, "Oh yeah, we do have to be at that meeting by Noon, huh?, hit the gas, and launch ahead like freakin' rocket. Well this went on for a 'bout an hour and a half or so. Anyway to make a long story short, we took a wrong exit and had to loop around again, then we got into a funeral procession going 20 mph, and finally ended up at the meeting on time. Amen, I'm still alive at this point. See prayer does work!! On the ride back, just do everything in reverse, but no funeral procession. Needless to say, I was ecstatic to get back to my Jeep and drive again. I can't believe these folks make it anywhere alive.
posted by Barbie C. at 9:51 PM | Permalink |