Well, I made it to the
suck-ass meeting at 9 am this morning. The bosses just think it's so friggin' cute that they can drag us in on our day off, and brow beat us for a half an hour in the name of "training".
Bite me. Anyhow, with that out of the way, I can now figure what I'm gonna do with the rest of my day. I don't know if my brother-in-law and his family are gonna be up tomorrow or not. If they are, I have to clean out the guest room
pronto. If not, well then I can kinda chill all day, except for getting my stuff ready for work this week. I hope I hear from someone, soon so I know what the hell to do.
Yesterday I went to the Library, to see if they had any Pilates books I could borrow, instead of ordering them from my bookclub. I don't want to get stuck with books if they suck. Well they didn't have them at our branch, so they're having them brought in from the main library. Should be here today, I hope. I've been losing alot of weight, but I need to tone up too, and I've heard that the Pilates workout is very good for toning and aiding in flexibility. I'll give it a shot and see if I notice any good results. While I was at the library, I realized that it had been sooooooo long since I'd used the damn thing, that I had
forgotten how to use it!!! Like, are things listed by Author or title? I felt like a real dumbass, but a sweet woman there said she completely understood. I'd bet money that she called me a "dumbass" when I left. That's okay. As long as she gets my books, I don't care what she thinks about me.