Thursday, October 31, 2002
I forgot to mention that the asshole who broke into my house tonight, also took a bag of Halloween candy on his way out. I hope he chokes on the shit, bastard.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:47 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
On a funny note: You know your house needs cleaned, when after a burglery, a police officer looks in each room and asks, "Was this room like this before the break-in?" Lol!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:41 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Note to self: Hamsters do not deter criminals, nor are they good witnesses.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:37 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Happy Halloween my ass. While we were all at work today, some fuckface(es) broke into our house and ransacked our bedroom. I can't say what was taken and what wasn't, as it's currently under investigation, and the State Troopers advised against mentioning whats missing. I'm majorly pissed, and creeped out that there was someone in my home that wasn't invited.
posted by Barbie C. at 9:13 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Happy Halloween!
posted by Barbie C. at 8:45 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
There's one thing that drives me nuts every time we have our first few snowfalls of the season. Drivers adapting to the changing weather. They usually fall into one of two catagories: 1) "The Fearless" & 2) "The Paranoid" The "Fearless" drivers feel that they can handle any road condition at any speed. In fact, the faster the better. Now the "Paranoid" drivers are so freaked out by the snow, that they creep at a snails pace, in fear of losing total control, if God forbid, they went over 15 MPH. Both are a pain in the ass, and both are a hazard on the road. Especially if you end up with a "snail" in front of you, and "The Roadrunner" behind you. As the snow season approaches, I dread the "drivers", not the snow!
posted by Barbie C. at 6:22 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I woke up this morning, with the realization that Nicks birthday is next Tuesday, and I haven't even started getting anything for him. Shit. So on my way home from having rear shocks put on my car, I stopped at Wal Mart, and picked up a few small things. During my dinner hour tomorrow, I'll head out and hopefully find a few more items he would like.

P.S.- There is this new body spray stuff that they have out now for men. Well, I had to test all 5 scents, and after about two minutes or so, as I walked away, there were about a dozen people gagging all over the place, going "what's that *$%@** smell"? So guys, don't wear all 5 at one time. It didn't go over well at all. *snicker*
posted by Barbie C. at 5:06 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
It's snowing!!!
posted by Barbie C. at 4:59 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, October 28, 2002
Wow, how our opinions can change over time! I was just watching this piece on VH1 about the band Kiss, who I just loved in the 70's. I mean I thought they were the shit back then, and I was totally in love with Paul Stanley. In fact, I even had my picture taken with full Paul stanley make-up on, and I almost looked like his friggin' twin sister or something. (I wish I still had that photo!) Anyway, as I was watching them tell their story, and listening to their music, all I could think to myself was, "Man, they suck". I don't think there's any other music I listened to then, that I could actually say that about. Oops...................I forgot about Alice Cooper!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:12 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, October 27, 2002
Happy Sunday! I work from 12 till 6 today, then two fabulous days off! And to add even more enjoyment to my day, I can drive the 'Vettester to work, because there's no rain in the forecast. This will be her last drive of the season, as I'm putting her away for the winter on Monday. This car is way too much fun. I'll miss driving it.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:26 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, October 26, 2002
I'm in a really pissy mood right now. I swear, if tomorrow at work, one asshole either asks for a better deal, wants me to throw in some "free stuff", treats me like shit the minute I say Hello, runs down the isle as I try to help them, or tells me they are going elsewhere for a better deal and I'll lose out on the commission................I'm gonna rip their head off and shove it up their ass sideways. Then say, "Have a nice day"! *big grin*
posted by Barbie C. at 11:46 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I had a bummer of a day at work today. I didn't sell anything in 8 hours. Nothing, nada, diddly squat, zero, zilch. Sometimes it's a friggin' miracle that I make a living at this bullshit. It's days like these, that I hate commissioned sales. Hate it.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, October 25, 2002
The Friday Five :
1. What is your favorite scary movie?
Night of the Living Dead
2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
Kit Kats
3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.
I always dress-up and scare the neighborhood kids, unless I have to work. My best costume is a ghoul.
4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?
I would love to go, but everyone always chickens out and won't go with me. It's no fun going alone!
5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?
I can't. I work late on Halloween. Bummer.
posted by Barbie C. at 4:45 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
I am having a hell of a time finding good Blog reads lately. Any suggestions? No foreign language pages please. Can't read 'em!
posted by Barbie C. at 2:04 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, October 21, 2002
Well, it's that time of year again. Put away the Summer garb, and bring out the Winter clothes........and the Halloween decorations. I really don't know how much Halloween stuff I'm gonna put up this year, as I work till 9 on Halloween and I don't know if Jr. will be working late too. See he and I are the ones that dress up and spook the kids on Halloween night. Although who knows, Hubbs might be motivated to put on a mask and scare some Trick or Treaters that night. Trust me, it's a blast! And they really love it too. At least that's what I've been told over the years. I'll miss not being here this year.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:47 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Today was the perfect, lazy Sunday! I slept in a bit, washed up and just lazed around the house with a cup of coffee in hand,' till around noon or so. Then I got my "face on", and went to the store to get a nice roast for dinner. Came back, and put the roast,(and carrots, onions, and mushrooms) in the oven on low. Hubbs got a shower, then we headed to Geneva on the Lake for a nice, relaxing Sunday drive in the Vettester. It was so nice just cruising along looking at all the beautiful leaves, and just talking and laughing at stupid things along the way. Geneva was a really nice place to see, with it's cute cottages and beautiful views of the lake. We decided that next summer, we are going to have to spend some time there. We came home, and I went back out to get gas and head up to Wal Mart to get a hair bleaching kit for Nick. Well, actually for me, as I bleach his hair for him......lazy ass. By the time I got back, the roast was done, Nick came in from work, and we had a yummy, "just like grandma's" dinner. It was so nice to eat something homemade for a change! Tonight, I bleached Nicks hair, and now I'm relaxing at my 'puter, enjoying what's left of this wonderful Sunday evening.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:35 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Love is a wonderful thing.........but at times, it sucks big time

It's times like these, that I'm glad to be in a long-term relationship, that I believe has weathered the worst of the storms. And hadn't it been for a ton of determination, dedication, love, stubborness, (throw in a touch of good luck), and a willingness to bend a bit, I don't think we'd have made it for 25 years. Being in love is a rough ride, sometimes. Right now, a couple of young people I care alot about, are going through some rough times, and it's very hard to be on the sidelines, and stay impartial. But I am. And it breaks my heart to see them struggle, although I know that this is a natural process, and it happens to all of us at one time or another. Sometimes, alot. Still it bites. I'm not good at this stuff........seeing people unhappy. I always feel like I can fix things. But in matters of the heart, that are not my own, I can't. And it bites. I see the tears, and I remember well, when they were my tears. I see the anger, and I remember my anger. I see the games. Damn it ,I hate the fuckin' games. I never was a game player, but was always on the receiving end. A strong partnership is built and made stronger by conflicts resolved and learned from. But damn it, don't play friggin' games. They only cause hurt, and don't accomplish anything meaningful. And if you think you're a badass cause you play them, well you're not. You're an asshole, plain and simple.

Well, with all that said, all I can do is be here to love and support those two beautiful hearts that are having a rough time right now. (You know who you are) I may not be able to change anything, but maybe I can tell you a few stories that might bring a smile to your face or let you know that you're not alone in your struggles. And always, a shoulder to cry on and arms to hug you tight. Remember, we've all been there at one time or another. You'll be okay. Promise. *Hugs*
posted by Barbie C. at 12:17 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, October 19, 2002
I've seen this on other sites, and I thought it was kinda neat, so I thought I'd give it a whirl too! The infamous "Friday Five"
1. How many TVs do you have in your home?
We have 4.
2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week?
Not much actually, maybe 3 hours, tops.
3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children?
It depends on what they're watching. When my son was young, he lived on Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. No violent programs!
4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken?
5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like?
It would be a cross between MTV and Friends.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:14 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, October 18, 2002
Want to check out a Blog that's different from the norm? Check out The Homeless Guy. It's written by a homeless young man, and really takes you behind the scenes, and onto the streets, first hand. I also have a link to his site on the left, under "Addictions". Give it a "look see", and if you're so inclined, drop him a note of encouragement.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:23 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
(continued from Monday........) So, after searching around for a place to eat, with no luck, I looked at the window right next to where we were standing, and it was a Howard Johnstons Restaurant. With a few empty tables! In we went, without hesitation. We were seated quickly, and needless to say, we were elated to not only be out of the pouring rain, but on our way to full bellies. Our waiter introduced himself as Raul, but Hubbs kept calling him Ron. Hubbs and I each ordered Reubens and fries, Amanda ordered a chicken sandwhich with fries and Nick had his usual burger and fries. While we waited for our orders to come, some crazy looking characters took seats in the booth next to ours, and I saw this as a photo op, so I got a couple of photos of the locals. (To be continued.....)
posted by Barbie C. at 10:35 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Hey, we just got back from visiting Jersey and the "Big Apple" and I have lots to tell. But for now........I....need....sleep!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:55 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, October 14, 2002
Well, we're back from our wonderful, though hectic as hell, weekend in Jersey & New York. Yeah, I know I didn't post anything about the trip coming up, but last week I was lucky I had time to breathe, let alone post. Anyway, despite feeling exhausted, I had a wonderful time! The drive wasn't too bad, considering I'm not one to really love traveling (driving) all that much. The scenery was spectacular, with the mountains covered in multi-colored foilage, although on our trip there, it was a dreary day with fog and drizzle. The ride home today was sunny and clear, so we were able to see more than we did going.

We arrived on Saturday around 3ish, checked into our rooms, and just hung out for a bit. After we unpacked and relaxed, we headed out to find Times Square. With map in hand, Hubbs manuvered us along the highways, through the tunnel and into New York City without a hitch! We parked, and before you knew it, we were looking at Times Square right in front of us! Woo hoo, it's one crazy friggin' place I'll tell ya! Throw in alot of rain, a zillion people rushing in every direction, most with umbrellas over their heads, and you get the picture. We just jumped in, and went with the flow, darting across streets, trying not to get run over by any cabs or buses. We really had no clue where we were going, but we managed to find a few things we wanted to see, like MTV, The Hard Rock Cafe, ESPN, you get the picture. The funny part of it was, that Hubbs was carrying my umbrella, a white one with pink and green tulips on it, and man he really stood out in the huge crowd! One guy on the street even made a comment about it! We were starved at this point, and without knowing where anything really was, we kinda were on the lookout for a place to eat. Problem was that every place was either filled, or had an hour or more wait, and we didn't have that kind of time to spare. (to be continued................)
posted by Barbie C. at 10:13 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, October 11, 2002
Mornings suck. Especially mornings that I have to be awake earlier than usual. Like today, for instance. One of my caps fell out yesterday at work, (perfect timing!), so this morning I'm heading to the dentist to have it glued in. Ugh. I hope everyone has a great day today.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:19 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
I feel like I got hit by a friggin' truck today. In fact, I was so tired when I left work, I could barely drive home. This is ridiculous. I went to bed at 10:15, but I got up a bit ago, as I was craving an english muffin. I just finished the muffin, so I think I better head back to the sheets so I don't feel like "shit on a stick" again tomorrow. I love my folks to bits, but damn those people wear me out!!! Nite!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:49 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Note to self: Do not invite company up when on long break from work. They will wear you out, and you will fell like shit when you go back to work. End of message.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:44 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, October 07, 2002
I think I need a vacation to help me get over my "vacation".
posted by Barbie C. at 9:45 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Damn, today flew by too fast. I took Mom and Dad out shopping after lunch today, and we hit a few more stores than originally planned. We started at Gabes, but not much was happening there, so we went in to my store for awhile, and I introduced them to a few of the "crew" there. They really enjoyed meeting them, even though my Mom bolted out the door, as she felt she wasn't dressed nice enuff to meet anyone. Don't ask. From there we went to TJ Maxx and browsed around a bit........not much interestiong there either, except they had some awesome coats there that I would love to have. Only problem is, they weren't very practical, but hey, I can't help it that I lean towards the funky sometimes! We left there and headed to Staples to see Nick, and let my Mom look for some organizer hickey that she wants. We saw Nick, but my Mom didn't find what she wanted so off we went to Target...............same scenario, but we left with a "gourmet" pretzel and an icee. Yum, they were good! We headed for home, voting to order pizza for dinner, instead of making something ourselves. Mom and I made a nice salad, and before you knew it, the pizza was at the door. Eat, throw the plates in the dishwasher, and we're done. Love it! Well, back to the day flying by so fast..........I can't believe I go back to work on Wednesday. Damn. This week is gonna be a bit hectic, (in a good way), getting ready for our trip to New Jersey. I'm really excited, as we haven't been on a real trip for years, so this is going to be a good time. I can just feel it!
posted by Barbie C. at 9:44 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
As much as I love company, especially my folks, it wears me the hell out. Ugh, mercy!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:10 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I've been doing a bit of "Blog-surfing" lately, and I thought it was kinda neat when I discovered some blogs had this option where you could choose another skin (usually from a group of 4 or 5 choices) for their Blog. I was like, "How friggin' cool is this?" So being the middle-aged kid that I am, I didn't read the Blog, I played with the skins! Entertaining to say the least. (Of course, everyone else out there probably knew about this stuff already) I'm a late bloomer when it comes to alot of these things!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:07 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, October 06, 2002
My Dad and Mom arrived safely around 4:30ish, and we sat around and chatted, catching up on my Dads trip down West Vrginia, and all kinds of stuff. I made a spaghetti dinner, which was so filling, I felt like I weighed a ton afterwards. I love pasta, but I hate how bloated it makes me feel afterwards. Anyway, after dinner, Jr. had to go to North East to pick up a part for his car, and he asked "Pap" to go along for the ride. Of course he said yes. Well, I was also in the mood to take "Baby" out for a little spin, so I grabbed my Mom, and off we went too. Just for a buzz around town though, but it was nice all the same. We just hung around the house watching T.V. the rest of the night, which was fine with me, as I was starting to get a bit sleepy. Right now, Hubbs is in bed and my Mom hit the sheets a few minutes ago too. Dad's watching T.V. and I guess it's obvious what I'm doing. Anyway, I'm gonna hit the sheets soon myself. My peepers are tired. Shit, I'm tired all over........all the cleaning around here has just worn me out. NIck and Amanda went to Daves for one of his parties tonight. I hope they're having a nice time. Nite! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:19 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, October 05, 2002
My Mom called yesterday morning, (waking me up I might add), and asked me if I still wanted her and Dad to come up for a visit. I told her "of course", then went back to bed. Shit, I hope that's all I said..........afterall, I was half asleep. Uh oh. I hope I wasn't a smartass.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:15 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I never thougt I'd hear myself say this, but I was kinda glad to go back to work today. No, I'm not losing my mind, but it was a nice break from cleaning the house, I must admit. I was beginning to get a bit edgy about me being the sole cleaning person around this place, and the more I cleaned, the more pissed off I was getting. So going back for awhile today, and gabbing with the "crew" was a good diversion. Kept me from kicking some asses around here!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:09 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, October 04, 2002
I laid down for a nap around 2:30 yesterday afternoon, and I had one of those weird, vivd dreams that usually only happen to me if I sleep during the daytime. I was in this awesome house, my house, a house I've seen in my dreams before. The sucker is huge, with all kinds of whacky shit like a revolving living room, secret buttons everywhere that turn stereos and tv's on and off, just off the wall stuff everywhere. And the place is so huge, that you never seem to see the same rooms twice. Everything is crystal, velvet, silver.....just plain over the top. Well, after just getting into enjoying my new " dream address", I awake to find myself back in my little corner of the "non-spinning livingroom" world, and I'm a bit pissed. Damn, I was enjoying that place.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:31 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Well, as of right now, at least two rooms in the house are less cluttered, and a bit more inhabitable. I also got the bed linens washed and put on, and next it's on to the dishes and folding clothes. My reward? A nice long hot shower before relaxing a bit, then bed. I'm pleased with my progress.
posted by Barbie C. at 9:07 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
A big "Thank-You" to Amanda for linking me on her page. I enjoy having a few new visitors!
posted by Barbie C. at 9:59 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I thought I'd get a small post in here before I start my day. Yupper, I'm off today, and I'm enjoying it already, even though I've only been awake for a bit. There's a gazillion things I can get into around here, and where I will start is a mystery right now, but I need to get some major cleaning done soon. I also need to get my Vettster ready to be put away for winter, *sigh*, and the New Yorker up to speed for Winter. There sure as hell is alot to do when you have two cars. No, I'm not complaining, I just never realized how many details need to be taken care of with this "seasonal car" stuff! No problem though, I'm figuring it all out as I go, with alot of help from Hubbs. (And numerous paychecks!)

I think one of my missions is gonna be to throw out alot of stuff I have clutterung up my computer area, and put my Avon things here. This house is so small, that I don't have many options for an "office area" for my work. I think this area will will work well for that application. It has's my only option! Speaking of Avon, my order arrives tomorrow! Yeah! I always love order day because it's such a blast to look through all the goodies that come! It's like Christmas. I know, I'm strange. But isn't that what ya love about me? Lol!
posted by Barbie C. at 9:54 AM | Permalink | 0 comments