Tuesday, December 31, 2002
New Years Eve 2002! Bye, bye 2002.................it's been fun. 2003........here we come! Happy Holidays everyone.
posted by Barbie C. at 6:44 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, December 30, 2002
My apologies to anyone that had left comments, that have since disapeared. I changed over to Haloscan commenting system, in hopes that they will have less issues than Enetation did. *fingers crossed* We'll see!
posted by Barbie C. at 7:46 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, December 29, 2002
Well, I finally got this new skin up, but I still have a few kinks to work out. I also fixed the comments problem, although for the life of me, I don't know what happened there. Oh well, who gives a shit anyway. I sure as hell don't, so I most certainly don't expect you to.

Today was an uneventful day, just like I hoped it would be. I love the days following the holidays, when you can just unwind and put all the hustle and bustle (and stress!) behind, and just look at all the great gifts you got, and enjoy it all. Personally, I'm enjoying all the edible goodies around here at the moment, because starting January 1st, it's back to watching the snacking and junk food again. I lost a few pounds before I had my surgery, and it felt so good. But after the surgery, I was able to eat normally again, and I put a couple back on, so I want to get back on track before it all creeps up on me again. And it happens fast if you're not careful. So, beginning the new year, I'm watching what and when I eat, and hitting the floor on my new exercise mat, ( thanks again Amanda!), to work those neglected abs. Neglected for like, um let me see...........

20 freakin' years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I don't quite enjoy ab work-outs? Well, I promised myself a belly piercing if I can get my tummy to the point where I can flash it a tad bit. Now not like Britney or anything. Just a glimmer, a little bit.....a sneak peek. I'd be happy with that. Indeed! Wish me luck.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:55 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
The word comments has mysteriously changed to poseurs. WTF does that mean anyway? Is my blog posessed? I just don't know anymore.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:21 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Merry, Merry Christmas to one and all! Man am I happy to be home. We had a crazy day of visiting, but enjoyed each stop to the fullest! It really was fun, even though we we're growing pretty weary by evening. The ride home was very long, slow, and nerve wracking, as we drove through an ice storm, then snow. It seemed like we would never get here. Sheesh! We saw cars flipped over, and some that had just slid off the road. I'm really glad to be home safe and sound. Thank goodness Hubbs is such a wonderful driver! Well, another year that we wished eachother "Merry Christmas" while on the good old interstate! Santa comes soon, so I gotta head to bed. Goodnight all!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:41 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Well folks, it's here. Christmas Eve Day. I hope you have all your gifts bought and wrapped, and all the little (and big) details finalized, cause guess what.......you're runnin' out of time if you haven't! I ran around all day and finally got everything under control.....or at least make it appear to be. Lol. We're off to visit family today, in an all day holiday "blitz", (we'll miss you Amamda!), then back home late tonight, so we can be home in the morning and enjoy a lazy Christmas Day. Sounds great to me after all the hustle and bustle that's been going on the past few weeks. I'm making a turkey tomorrow, but nothing elaborate. Like I said, the emphasis is on lazy! Hmmm, I wonder what Santa is gonna bring me this year? My list was rather sparse, so this should be interesting. If I get what I asked for, I'll get a Colgate Spinbrush Pro, a sideview mirror for the "Vette and a turntable for the microwave. I hope I get the mirror! Well, I better fly off to dreamland, as It's going to be a busy day tomorrow and we are getting up pretty early. Oh, and Amanda. Hurry back. I miss you! Night all.....sweet dreams. You know....sugarplums and such! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:30 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Today was a productive day, to say the least. I got my guest-room cleaned out, and all the christmas boxes into the shed, washed my bed linens, did other laundry too, mopped the kitchen floor, shampooed the living room carpet, cleaned the clutter off the kitchen counter, finished decorating the house, made some calls, wrote out a few more Christmas cards, and did some last minute online shopping! Whew! Oh yeah.......I did my nails too! Did I ever tell you how much I love online shopping? I don't do it all that much, but I'll tell ya, at holiday time, it sure is a time saver and sometimes a life saver if you're short on time but need that gift quick! It's saving my ass big time this year. I just don't have the time to drive around from store to store and hope they have what I need. I don't think anyone does anymore, quite frankly. Well, I'm beat after my long day, and I have an even longer day at "the Grind" tomorrow, so for now....... night, night! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:58 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I haven't been bloggong in awhile, as I've either been working, or frantically trying to get ready for Christmas. I shopped at Wal Mart for about 4 hours on Sunday night, and got all but a few gifts. This made me feel alot better, as before my shopping trip, I had no gifts purchased. None. Nada. I was freakin' out about it. Bad. Now we only have to figure out what we're getting my parents, and Hubbys mom. It's a bitch, because they have so much stuff already. I dunno what we'll come up with, but damn it, we have a fast approaching deadline here. Think, think, think. Nuthin'. Shit. Other than that, things are rolling right along. I got a few more decorations up today, and the way I figure it, if it doesn'tn get put out......oh well. No one will notice but me anyway. Trust me. Well, i'm gonna hit the sack soon, one more day off and I have alot to get done tomorrow. Nitey night!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:18 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Well, yesterday I had my annual "holiday meltdown". It's like all the details of what I need to get done in the next couple of weeks, like shop, wrap, finish decorating, laundry, bills, not enuff time...... start swirling around in my head, like one of those spin pictures you make at the fair, till I feel like I'm having a friggin' anxiety attack. I think I do actually have an anxiety attack. Sleep is my only savior. So I crashed out early, and the good news is, today was a much better day. I was focused, and not anxious at all. I got the tree decorated, made plans with hubby to go shopping on Sunday, and had a good day in general. I know that when I finally but some gifts, I'll feel alot better, but the fear of not finding the gifts I want makes me nuts. Another problem is, I don't know exactly what I want to get. Great, another crisis looms. Just kidding. Sometimes I get so caught up in the holiday hustle, that I forget what's most important. Enjoying it. I'll have to keep reminding myself of that on a regular basis. Nite!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:25 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, December 08, 2002
I was trying to do a new lay-out, but I screwed that up big time, so fo now I just fixed the shit I messed up yesterday. Man I suck at this.
posted by Barbie C. at 9:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, December 07, 2002
You think I'd learn not to piss with my page. No, not me. I screwed something up again, but I'm too tired to figure out what I did. Just thought I'd let you know, that I know, I fucked up. Damn.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:11 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, December 06, 2002
I really should be in bed by now, but I feel like I'm still unwinding from the horrid day I had today. Nothing particular happened to make it terrible, it just sucked in general. My attitude toward my job has been spiraling downward faster and faster as time goes by. It used to be weeks between my frustrating times........now it's days between. Sometimes one day. Today I felt so stressed, I just wanted to run out the door. This shit sucks big time. I really need to find a job that I feel fulfilled doing, not this shit where I count the hours 'till quitting time, leave stressed and dread going in the next day. There has to be more to a job than this. This is friggin' torture. Goodnight.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:33 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
I had a fabulously wonderful day today............doing something I wanted to do, instead of doing things I should do. Like boring hosehold stuff. Sometimes the practical Capricorn side of me keeps me from having fun. Today I wasn't about to let that happen, and I'm so glad didn't! Amanda and I went out gown shopping together, for a wedding she's in this coming January. I had a great time, and I believe she did too. And the best thing was that she found a gorgeous gown, that she just loves and looks adorable in, in no time at all!! Wow! Actually it was the first one she tried on, and that was that. It looked perfect, except for possibly needing hemmed and the straps altered a bit. That's it! Amazing. We headed to the mall, and she found cute shoes in Penneys. All she needs is to figure out the jewelry and a bag. I can't wait to see how she looks on the day of the wedding. I think she'll look like a Winter Princess. *smiles*

Well, as much as I hate to, I must head off to bed now, as it's back to the "grind" tomorrow, and I don't want to be draggin' my ass all day. Ugh, going back is always rough after 3 days of being at home. But at least I return knowing that I got a few things on my "to do" list taken care of. I got the Christmas decorations started, the hamster cages cleaned, and my Avon books delivered. In the next couple weeks, I need to decorate the tree, write and send out the Christmas cards, go shopping, and figure out what the hell I want for Christmas besides a Colgate Spinbrush Pro. Honestly, that's all I can think that I want. *shrugs shoulders* Nitey night snow babies.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:30 AM | Permalink | 0 comments