Sunday, September 30, 2001
Well, the angel won. I went to work today....after alot of internal struggle with the facts. I calculated sick days left this year, vacation days available and figured that I have alot of better opportunities to use my sick days. Plus, not selling for a few days gave me a case of the guilts. Like how am I gonna make any cash if I'm sitting on my ass at home? So, out the door I went, and yes, a decent sale did come along for me, about 5 minutes before closing time. Cha ching $$$$! Hopefully, after a couple days of vegging out here at home, I'll be ready to kick some major retail ass on Wednesday. Life is still good! Oh yeah.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:57 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2001
I am sooooooo proud of my son and his friends. *rolls eyes towards ceiling and grins* See, I get a call around 11pm from my sons girlfriend saying, "Come to Perkins and bring your camera!" I tear off thinking I'm gonna meet a movie star or something along those lines! I get to Perkins restaurant to observe, (and photograph), this huge mountain they (6 of them) had built, out of over 2,400 creamer cups! College town entertainment at it's finest. Perkins was nice enuff to give them all free drinks for accomplishing this fete......and entertaining their customers for an hour and 1/2. Gotta love teenagers! *rolling eyes towards ceiling again*
posted by Barbie C. at 11:07 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I have a little problem. See, I haven't sold a damn thing at work for three freakin' days now. We work on comission, so indeed this is not making me a happy girl. I fact, I'm a really pissed off chick right now. Back to my problem. I planned on blowing tomorrow off, using a sick day, and making a nice three day retreat for myself. I feel I deserve it......the scum suckers I work with do this shit all the time! Not me....the nice girl. The thing is, since I've had such a lousy sales streak, do I buck up, go in and try to make some moolah....or do I take the day off and get a much needed mental vacation? Guilt is kicking in here. Damn. the angel on one shoulder says, "go in and give it another shot...tomorrow might be your lucky day. Strap on some balls lady."(Now I doubt that actual angels use the word "balls" in their vocabulary, who knows) Then the little devil on the other shoulder is saying, " Call off and stay home and regroup.Your job sucks and you need some time to chill. Strap on a set of balls lady!" Both are valid, and tempting. I dunno.I'll probably call in sick. Just making the decision is making me ill. Geeeeez.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saw this while surfing sites today.......Stuffed, yellow duck looking for people to have him as a house guest for a couple of days, during his world tour! Keep him for a few days, take him around town and snap a few photos (digital) then send him on to his next host family! Cute idea!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:32 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Hello Best Friend of mine....time to cut some trees, maybe then I would catch a glimpse of you as you run to work. Funny you think of yourself as cozy calm comfy.......the people I work with have heard many stories of you and call you my wild crazy neighbor... and they do ask about you. OK I do imbellish a story now and then but Luv, nobody deserves my story telling more than you. By the way.. I did see you out naked the other nite......LOL you really should put sompfin on that ass when you hook the dog out!! Well guess by now you are pissed and will come knocking on my door.....hope so the coffee is always on for you. Hitting the hay now.. nitey nite Dear. P.S. please have the courtesy to put on a shirt.. **HUGS**
posted by Anonymous at 12:30 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, September 28, 2001
Sometimes I wish my life was more exciting. And other times, I'm really happy that it's comfy and predictable. I would make a very good Gemini. Glad I'm not one though, as I live with one and they are freakin' nuts! Like two nuts in one. Anyway, as I was making my way to Wal Mart tonight, I started thinking how simple and kinda mundane my everyday happenings are. I live in a very quiet area, in a little cottage by a lake. I go to work each day, always arrive on time, never break the rules, put in my hours and head straight home afterwards. On my days off, I clean the house and try to cook a couple of decent meals. In my free time, I'm working on my sites, reading or gardening. Napping and daydreaming....ya, I do alot of those too. I try to always put my hubby and son before anything else. I have one best friend...she lives on the other side of the trees. Really, she does. Most of the time, I just love this way of life.......slow and easy. Predictable. Cozy. But at other times, I long for the excitement of a time long ago. Living on the edge, in the fast lane. I was a blurr. Constant motion, never knowing where fate wouild take me. The funny part of it is, when I was in that place, I kinda longed to be right where I am now. Could this be a mid-life crisis? I don't think so. Just a mid-life reflection. It's kinda fun to think about the wild and crazy responsibilities, just freedom. But to be honest, I wouldn't go back there for anything. I love my cozy, comfy place. Predictable as it is.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:58 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
It took me an hour and a half just to make everything look the same. I need a drink........and to be locked out of the template area.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:28 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2001
If the page looks messed up, thats cause it is messed up. I messed it up and in a bit I'm gonna fix it. That's what I get for trying to "tweak". Shit. *rolling eyes*
posted by Barbie C. at 9:52 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I'm a bit pissed right myself. Why, oh why don't I ever learn? I don't know didly shit about coding, I just dabble. I must admit I've been learning alot along the way, but by no means am I even close to knowing even a fraction of what others know. I know enuff to get me by, and that's fine for now. Here's what pisses me off though. I never know when to leave stuff alone.
posted by Barbie C. at 7:32 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2001
Because all of us here deal with the general public on a daily basis at our jobs, we all know that there are some real loonies out there. So I had to share this link, which further proves that fact. (Pretty entertaining.)
posted by Anonymous at 11:19 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I am now a good friend of the delete key. Nuff said.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:10 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I barely get done posting that I need to go on a major diet, and what do I do? Decide to make major comfort foods for dinner. Stuffed peppers, mashed potatoes and green beans. I'm doomed to fat-assdom. I am sooooo weak!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:01 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I need to go on a diet big time. The job I'm at now is making me fat.....all we do is munch all day long. Boredom I guess. Then there's the acess to all the fast food places, that you can hit with a rock from where I work. shit. My house is also filled with goodies able crush any willpower I may have. I need to move to freakin Siberia to lose any weight around here. And to make matters even worse...I hate to work out. I'd like to get in shape by Spring, as I feel that's a realistic time frame. Now all I need is the motivation. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
posted by Barbie C. at 2:09 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I think that it is in my best interest to post before Karma kicks my butt (in more ways than one). I believe I must be the one "up the tree" so to speak, as Karma must be to the "right" of the trees and Tricia to the "left". Aw hell, I guess I'll just make a nest up here in the branches and be comfortable, ha ha. This is my first post here, and I'm drawing a bit of a blank at the moment as to what to write (probably has to do something with my long day). I want to thank Karma for inviting me to post here, I find it very flattering. I guess what I might be able to offer (for better or worse) is a younger point of view - though I think my comrades here are just as young as me, in heart! I can't promise I'll always be entertaining or insightful, but I'll do my best. More to come later - after I get some sleep and can think strait! Night all!
posted by Anonymous at 12:16 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2001
I'm having alot of trouble blogging tonight, as I think I'm suffering from "brain block". Not simply writers block, as my whole mind seems to be jammed up. It just doesn't want to put together thoughts in any manner that will make alot of sense. In fact, it just doesn't wanna think....period. The fact that I'm writing this is a miracle in itself. I think I'm just dead tired. I hope so. Either that, or I've just become a dumbass.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:57 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Today was Monday.......and after a 4 hour nap I think I am past my Saturday nite party....which is the subject I guess of this rant. Ok I dont drink that often, and now I understand why. I have lost two days just recovering...It was a going away party for my boss. Of course it had to be the boss I liked. So that leaves me to face a perv boss and an asshole boss. Think I will take the perv over the asshole. Guess it's like anyone... we all have that asshole to deal with. I suppose its good to i.d. him right up front but damn.. why doesnt he realize what an asshole he is and make all our lives a bit nicer. At least he was smart enough not to join the party. Kudos to my asshole boss. So now the last purpose of my entry tonight.. the group of us leave the party to go to another bar.. not sloppy drunk.......yet. So 15 of us walk in .. all white or mostly white.. with two black girls.. This bar had the gall to not serve the blacks l was with......I thought it was the year 2001........l am like what the fuck? So I am telling all l know, not to go to this redneck, not even funny bar. I hope they go down the tubes fast as shit. Can l be sued for slander if I post their name? Last thing l want is to give them more advertising. Call me Karma and I will tell you where to avoid. Well guess l need another nap to recover some more.......shit it's a bitch getting old. Nap hell.....l am going to bed! Nite all.......sweet dreams till sunbeams find you....
posted by Anonymous at 12:08 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2001
What a glorious day today was! The sun was out all day and the temp. was in the mid 70's....a perfect day for daydreaming and being lazy-minded. The leaves are slowly turning autumn colors, and a few are starting to fall here and there. I really love this time of year. I realized today, that I really need to get back to reading again. I love to read all sorts of books, but I seem to slack off during the warm months, and resume again around this time of year. I really am a creature of habit, I guess! I joined a great bookclub about two years ago, called One Spirit Book Club. Their books are all newage reads...from yoga and meditation to herbal remedies and dream books. Anyway, I have alot of catching up to do, as I have a few books that I haven't even cracked open yet. Time to make some steaming orange spice tea, (with a bit of honey!), grab the cozy blanket and curl up on the sofa for a bit. Sounds good to me.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:09 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Ahhhhhhhh. A sunday, and I'm off work. Nowhere to go, and all day to get there. This is good....real good.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:28 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2001
I layed downf or a bit after dinner, as I could not seem to shake the headache I had brought home from work. I fell into a deep, deep sleep, and had some really crazy dreams I'll tell ya! I don't dream that often (at least that I'm aware of), so when I do, I really enjoy them as they unfold. Unfortunately, I was startled awake and kinda bummed that I had exited from my dreamland adventure. I wanted to go back so badly. Did that ever happen to you? You awake from a dream and try to hurry back to resume where you left off? Never works for me. I hate that.
posted by Barbie C. at 9:08 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
OK......OK.........she begged me enough... so here it is. My I have to think.. and hey.....thats not my style. Oh shit.. forgot I don't have a style either. I was telling Karma tonight that I had to deal with John Q Public again today. A word to the wise.. when inquiring over the phone about an order you have don't know what "race" your talking about so don't slam a whole race. Remember I am in control of your order!! I believe John Q is going to get her order sometime after christmas. Lifes little victories... sometimes can't be celebrated but the silent revenge is sometimes best of all.... oh yeah... she is waiting for it to arrive Monday.... so much for closing the boarders to the likes of me! LOL Well that was my rant on the races today.. I think I need to hit the hay now.... Siesta time! LOL later everyone.
posted by Anonymous at 12:53 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I had a bit of fun tonight. At least it was fun while it lasted. I visited the chat area over at surreally to say say Hi (seeing as I'm a "new kid on the block"!) and kinda introduce myself. Thought it would be fun to chat with the people behind a site that I really enjoy. Anyway, it was fun until I got transported to this black "void" and didn't know how in the hell to get back! I finally got back to the chat somehow...only to lose contact again. I don't know if it's my PC or what. It's probably me hitting the wrong button (not hard to do as there are many). I just need to figure out a plan to get out of the "void". Or how to avoid the "void". Nice people over there indeed. You just need a version for clutzes like me!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:45 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Talked to Tricia on IM tonight.......begged her to post! I miss her wit and charm. Needless to say, it felt good touching base again. So close, yet so far. How true.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:33 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, September 21, 2001
Today was an emotionally draining day at work....and it didn't involve the attack in any way at all. I must have a look that compels people to tell me all their problems, anytime...anywhere. Like in the mattress department, today at work. I was helping a sweet, timid woman purchase a bed and a mattress, when the next thing I knew the conversation turned from a delivery date, to how she was abused by a guy in California, she fled with her kids and dog across the country, only to have her kids and dog taken away, because someone thought she was emotionally unfit to keep them. She has tried to commit suicide twice....the last time a few weeks ago. She's trying to pick up the pieces of her life, one day at a time with the help of local womens groups, etc. God she sat there and cried and thanked me for listening to her. How could I not listen to her story? The poor thing lives in fear, as the ass who hurt her is looking for her.(she even showed me her protection order.) I gave her a big hug as she left,(I've given alot of hugs too) and told her that she is strong, and a great person, and to stop in and see me anytime, if only to chat a bit. I went outside after she left, puffed on a cig and just shook. I felt her pain in every word she said. I felt them to the core of my being. I was happy to see, that when she left, she at least had a bit of a smile on her face...happy with the purchase she just made for herself......and maybe a bit more hopeful that things are going to be ok. The sales lady said so.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:26 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I was up waaaaay too late again. I believe it was almost 3 am when I finally headed to bed........not good, considering I have to work today. Web logs and blogging have turned me into an insomniac indeed! I'm addicted. Hell, I get home from work and I don't even change my clothes....say 'Hi" to the family, then check the sites. I'm sure there are therapy groups for this disorder.On another note, I'm kinda excited, as I have invited another friend to join my Trees group. I think she will add a fresh outlook on things, as she is quite a bit younger than Tricia and I, and I think it will be fun to have her musings here with should I say, me? I hope she will be sending us a post here any day. Well, gotta head off to the "Grind" for another fun filled day with the co-workers that I lovingly call the "clowns". Adios!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:49 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2001

New meaning to "TV Land"

Oh where, oh where has Tricia gone? Did she get sucked into the T.V. like in Poltergeist??? I dunno. All I do know is, if that's the case, it's going to be really akward taking a 27" T.V. to the chinese buffet with me on our "girls day out". *rolls eyes* Geeeez.
posted by Barbie C. at 2:16 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
You can put your message of hope and support on the ABC News Ticker in Times Square.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:53 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I put all the energy that I've been building up over the past few days to good use today....I cleaned like mad! I've put off doing alot of basic maintence this past week, (uh, maybe even two weeks) so today all hell broke loose on the domestic front. I feel so much better now that things are a bit neater. Not spotless by any means, but comfortably tidy. Martha Stewart wouldn't be impressed, but we all know I can't stand her anyway.
posted by Barbie C. at 7:54 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2001
Well I'm back from a little "mental vacation",and my head seems to be a bit clearer now. I needed time to just let this all sink in and try to sort it out in some way. It got to the point where I just couldn't read about it, listen to it or even discuss it any more. So I tried to find a quiet place each day, ( through a bit of meditation), and I cleared my mind and calmed my soul. I couldn't even sit down to blog, as all my words led, in one regard or another, to Tuesdays attack. There's nothing I could say, that hadn't already been said in a thousand different ways. Different people, different places, different different, yet all the same. Today I felt peaceful amidst the confusion. My thoughts turning toward more mundane, everyday kinda things...a welcome diversion indeed. I feel the need to funnel all my energy into showing extra care and concern to all the people in my life. No matter what the context. Perhaps I've started my own type of rescue effort, in my own little corner of the world, with what I have the power to affect and I've changed how I love, how I forgive, how I listen, and how I live. I know I can't change the whole world, but I can have a positive effect on those I see everyday.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2001

Let's get busy!

I know that in speaking for myself, (and I'm sure others as well), over the past couple of days, I have run the gambit of emotions. From shock and terror....disbelief and fear....anger then numbness. Now I'm at the point where I want to do something...something that will help make a difference for someone. Now, I'm in no way a rich person, but that doesn't matter here, because even small gestures, done by millions, can produce tremendous results! So there are lots of ways that we can rally together and help those that need us. I've included a link in our side-bar for donations to the Red Cross. All donations (100%) will go to disaster relief. Contact your church or local city agency. Alot of them are collecting not only cash donations, but other items that are needed by the rescue people and/ or victims families. Giving blood is a great idea, although alot of blood banks are saying that they have enough right now, so it might pay to wait a few days. Give the blood bank a call....they'll tell you their status. And send up a prayer....for those lost, for those hanging on to life, for those waiting, for those grieving, for the rescuers, for our Armed Services, for our Leaders, for our planet, for all of us. Peace.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:30 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I have been reading the posts of fellow bloggers over the past couple of days, and I must say, that amidst all the grief, pain, disbelief, feelings and views being expressed, it is awe inspiring to see everyones true spirit of community, rising as one, united in helping eachother deal with, and hopefully get through this terrible tragedy. From shore to shore, border to border and across the world, we feel the same pain, a shared pain, regardless of color, sex, religion, status, age. And we want to reach our hands, and hearts out to our Brothers and it by a glance to a passing stranger that says "I feel the same way too", or a shoulder to cry on, or a message in a strangers comment box that says "I'm sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you", or giving blood...the list is endless. For a few days now, we have put our personal needs aside, and we are looking at the needs of our fellow American Brothers and Sisters.........we need to carry on this crusade long into the future. For us and for future generations. It's very sad that it took an event of this magnitude to bring us all together as heart, one mind, one spirit, one goal....united and powerful. I am proud to be an American, and I am proud of all the citizens out there everywhere , pulling together as one, during this devastating time in our history. Together we are strong. United we stand.....divided is not an option.
posted by Barbie C. at 4:33 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
In the next few weeks things will be a bit out of control emotionally.. When opening my mail yesterday 9/11/01 I find this letter from a self help author whom I highly respect and feel it may be of some help....please read and share with your friends...and enemies alike...

When a catastrophic event like this happens, powerful feelings may arise. So I offer this: Don't give any more power to a small group of people almost certainly zealots of some kind whose twisted psyches (along with self-sacrificial devotion to their dark illusions).If this had been a tornado or earthquake, it would have represented a magic blip in nature's enigmatic scheme. But this was personal; human
beings did this deliberately to other human beings. And some of us are reacting exactly as they wished -- to bring the entire country to a halt, and to create waves of paralysis much farther-reaching than the localized damage caused, generating reactive shockwaves all over our country (and the world).

This catastrophic series of events remind us that while we cannot control circumstances in the world or in our personal lives, we can choose how we will respond. None of us can (or should) stop or control our natural emotional reactions, but we can help thwart their nefarious intent by controlling our behavior -- by responding in our circle of friends with compassion and calm. These people can only succeed in bringing our lives to a halt with our cooperation. Let's not give them power over our psyches; let's not serve their goals.
Let's remember to breathe deeply, to relax our bodies, and to focus on the present moment, doing what needs to be done.Historically, this attack may rank with Pearl Harbor -- and when our country is roused, it becomes a giant, and some kind of justice will prevail. What form that "justice" may take is difficult to predict. One thing is certain; out of every adversity or challenge comes new lessons
and growth.

In the coming days and weeks, this event will become a topic of intense conversation (and action in appropriate quarters); the dead will be buried and grieved; the injured cared for; the FBI, CIA and other military activated. You and I will go on with our lives.Let's pray for those who need it; let's accept our emotions without letting them disable our clarity; let's keep our hearts open, even to the waves
of pain; and let's resolve to do what we can, in our own humble ways, to help create a world of understanding, compassion, courage, and love -- beginning with ourselves.

posted by Anonymous at 6:56 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
silent tears......
silent prayers.....
for those taken away......
for those that love them....
for those that try to save them.....
for those that protect us........for all of us.

* I will not be posting here for a few days out of respect for those who lost their lives today. *
posted by Barbie C. at 10:47 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

This site is now able to be viewed by the visually impared!

I don't know what just happened here in "font hell," but shit, these posts can be read from across the damn room! I'm too tired to try to fix it tonight....I will try to get it on track tomorrow. Maybe an exorcism is in order. This place has been acting totally whack lately. Did we move into a haunted blog? I knew we shouldn't have been messing around with that damn Oiji board. Happens every time.

posted by Barbie C. at 12:40 AM | Permalink | 0 comments


Note to self- Don't read others pages before writing your own.....brain over-log.
Don't shop for shoes during lunch-hour....and expect to be back in an hour.
Don't go out on lunch-hour.... only intending to "browse".
Don't go "browsing" with your debit card in purse.
Don't go out of the building during lunch-hour!

posted by Barbie C. at 12:33 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2001

Off the wall

This post is not going to be entertaining, enlightening, comical or any of that other happy bullshit. No. No way, nada, no how, by no fuckin' means. I'm a tad bit ruffled and I just feel the need to all out vent....just for a bit (so bear with me). Screw that...I'm totally pissed and I want to let it out here, cause this place is the cause of my attitude malfunction. Not only has it taken me forever to get to this friggin' place...when did get in...all royal hell breaks loose! *lights another cig* ( I think I smoked a pack just trying to get to my blog, for cryin' out loud!) Anyway, no matter what I've tried to do, some cyber fuck-up decides that it isn't meant to be. Now I fully realize that this is not qualified as a literary 911 I need to post the final procedure in a brain surgery operation to a surgeon with sporatic memory loss. No fuckin' shit! But damnit I should be able to sit down and knock off a few sentences in a shorter time than it took to give birth to my son. Well, all the bugs (or whatever) are still not worked out why all my fonts keep changing here. Hell, that's a whole nuther' bitch fest in itself. Well, I do feel a bit better now...thanks for bearing with me.....maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck. If'll know!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:10 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, September 08, 2001
Freedom Week
It seems I am to receive a week without the big kid here. So I don't know if I will be means I get to use the big T.V. all by myself. Now I realize men don't think a woman can handle a remote of that magnitude but being the adventurous one I am going to try it out. See why it has to flip through all the stations at each commercial. I am amazed the the manufacturers have not come out yet with a remote that can stay on the same station for more than 5 minutes. Hey, maybe I will invent it and become rich!! Yee Haa.. my ship has come in! Too bad I am at the airport....yeah I know old joke. What can I say.. having got up early on my day off it seems very late and I cannot be held responsible for bad humor. Another reason its nice to have the big kid gone... I can sleep in last day off. It is beyond me why we even have to leave the comfort of our beds on our day offs. If it were up to me I would have a little frig for my nite table and then I wouldn't have to get up all day. Hmmm I know there has to be another invention in there somewhere. Like a headboard that would open to reveal a frig full of snacks. What good is a headboard anyway? Not like you can lay your head on it.....course I guess you have to have someplace to tie the ropes to. LOL.... see you all later. Nite
posted by Anonymous at 10:28 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Down and Out!

Well it seems we lost our comment link for awhile, and it totally drove me buggy as to what the problem was. Let it hereby be known, that I am in no way, shape or form, a computer genius! In fact I'm not a genius at any realm...what-so-ever. Shit, I've diverted from the main topic here (I do this alot!) Anyway, I finally found out that Reblogger was down for a bit, and all I had to do was change the coding in my template, and all would be well again in "comment land". I did get the comment links up again, but I lost all the freakin' comments. *frown* Hopefully this won't happen again any time soon. I didn't post anything yesterday, as I was totally burned out after work. So I basically crashed out before 11. No urge to speak, listen, type, think. Sleep was my salvation.....blissful zzzzzzzzzzzz's
posted by Barbie C. at 8:07 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, September 07, 2001

Payday Friday!

Sometimes its all you can do to drag your ass out of that warm bed and get ready for work. Some days you roll over .. take a look.. and jump out of bed. Quick shower, throw on some clothes and off to work. I know it drives the men nuts to see us put makeup on in the car so I have begun to make a habit of it.. and on some mornings can even manage a cell call while doing it....driving? oh yeah I can keep it near my lane too. This morning promised to be a long day.. so thinking fast I put on jeans and sneakers.. a no no at work.. hoping to be able to pick up my paycheck and be sent home for inproper attire.....well shit guess what day it was....come to work casual......figures dont it? On my way I stop and pick up the same guy everyday.. he's pretty cool usually. Today he comes out in his boxers and says he will be ready in a few. I sit and wait....for a man.. whats wrong with me anyway. He hops in the car singing Bob Dillon....well ok sure it will stop in a few.................................hundred miles!!! I let him go only cause he was drunk and having a hell of a time.. started rubbing off and i begun to feel better .. or perhaps I was nearing intoxication on the fumes. Whatever the case .. the man, myself and bob dillion survived the day. Paycheck..........dont make me laugh... its only 9:30pm and its already gone..... have to wait another two weeks now.......or maybe the government will send me another check to help them with inflation.
posted by Anonymous at 9:32 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2001

Holding out on me?!!

Hey Karma you didn't tell me you were planning a sea side retreat... always more fun if you bring along another couple.. and you know how well the boys get along together!! I am wondering if it would appear suspicious to pack a black dress? Oh hell if I wait we can go on shopping spree theres the ticket! Look out folks we are in morning and mean to snap ourselves out of it if it takes all day.
Now thats taken care of I am taking my turn to vent on J.D. Public.... being in customer service as I am.....LOL.....shiit its more like being the company scape goat.. anyway, I come into contact with the most "unusual" people I have ever met. Why is it on the phone you (Mr. J.D. Public) feel you can rip a person to shreds because of some screw up you made? I can't help it if you can't stop your spending habits. Shit I know that if I spend $3,000.00 on an item.. I will save the receipt.. and I will remember who I owe my ass to. You call me and say you need to send a payment to a bank thats three months overdue but you don't know which don't know your damn phone number... worse was the man that said "right now, I am at a different pay phone, I don't remember the other payphones number". Then he had the gull to yell at me? I think not. It was indeed too bad I develope sneezes and disconnect each and everyone of you jerks. Want to call and bitch me out.....stand in line.. but don't worry .. it shouldn't take too long to disconnect the calls. Ever hear that...please stay on the line.. your call is important to us.........LOL think again.
posted by Anonymous at 11:25 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Can't get enuff....

Wow! I am really amazed. I was out surfing today, and my eyes were truely opened to the wide variety of really remarkable web-sites that are out there, just waiting to be enjoyed by all. I know most of you are probably already aware of this phenomenon, but I, being rather new to all this, had NO idea! Speaking of wonderful sites, I'd like to thank surreally dot com for their link to us, and the mention of us on their page! Their site is always fun and interesting, and I really enjoy the interaction between all the writers there. Also, their layout is nicely done and very easy on the eye. Stop in and pay them a visit! And while you're there, check out some of the links on their site. You're in for a fantastic journey! Lata.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:49 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 05, 2001

D(m)ental Abuse???

Went to the friggin' dentist this morning........go in to have a cap glued back in. Now I feel like I need a damn therapist! Let's start off by saying that I'm about as far away from a morning person as you can get. Personally, I find those perky mornin' people obnoxious, and I pretty much just wanna bitch-slap em' when they get around me with their happy morning bullshit. Mornings suck here in La La Land......Nuff said 'bout that. So I guzzle my coffee and head out, thinking this should be an in and out kinda thing. WRONG! I get in the chair, and my dentist comes in and says, "By the way, I'm not practicing anymore. Meet Dr. Bla Bla (I wasn't comprehending all this), he'll be taking over for me." Well, okay I what am I gonna say? Not like they asked my opinion on the whole matter! So on we go.....oh, oh.....looks like decay there too. Shit. Well, to make a long story bearable, drill, shot, more drilling, glue, bondo, more drill, head left, up, down, rinse & spit. All done? Hell no! ...Another little cavity, lets fix that now. Hell, lets just wrack up the old platinum fact, let's just make a whole day of it...I'll spring for lunch asshole! So we fix the cavity and they set me free. Well, can't go yet...the finance witch grabs ahold of me, and hits me with the damage to my pocketbook. It's a shame I have to tell hubby that he'll be living at the dentists house as a man-servent....bartering is the way to go I'll tell ya! Well, I go out into the world broke,drooling and babbling (novicane in full force!) and praying to God that my hubby doesn't object to what I've packed for him for his trip. He did say for better or worse. If I don't post for a few days......hubby didn't find this amusing. Check garden....hint, hint. Lol!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:21 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Am I missing something??

I don't know if I'm the only one wondering this, but............why do these people keep going into the water, when so many are being attacked by sharks???!!! Especially your kids. I mean, I can see sending the old man out there to test the water...."yeah, go ahead honey.....waters fine! I'll be right out!" Oops...where'd he go?? Anyway, what are these folks thinking? Last thing I'd wanna be doing is sending little Bobby out on a boogie board. Did ya ever hear of a pool? Cool off and still keep yur limbs...what a concept! Hey, I just thought of an crazy idea. Instead of a 'bout a lovely weekend trip for two to Florida? Only one return ticket needed. Twisted, but good! C'mon, it's late.....gimmee a break!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:46 AM | Permalink | 0 comments

Empty Trash Here...

My PC is now officially a "mental trashcan". Head full....empty here! Good therapy's been awhile since I've envisioned placing my hands around my bosses necks or wished I could ram that asshole driving in front of me on my daily commute to the "Grind." See...blogging can save lives. Or at least keep you out of sharing a cell with a guy named "Bubba". Or Vivian. Whatever.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:20 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2001

Welcome Roomie!

She made it! Let the love flow! Now we can un-pack the boxes and spruce the place up a bit. The cable guy comes on Friday...we'll just hang around here all day till he comes.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:09 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Screaming as Triciahhh enters "Don't pay AOL I have escaped!!!" Sliding to a screatching hault in front of the keyboard... cigarette ash dropping on the monitor... blowing hard so that all ash is in the rear.. as all ashes should be. Ok serious now I have at last found the site.. now to put my talent to, looks like unemployment again!!! Really Karma the least you could have done was unpack spell check for me. You better than anyone should know I spend my time primping instead of learning the basics in grammer. So you all better get used to the spelling and the grammer... Hell thats one way to tell Karma and I apart...shes the prim and proper one.. I am the one with orange and blue hair...not really planned but a kick all the same...Better see if I can get this posted before Karma as a blow out looking for me. By the way.... not to worry she wouldn't have paid AOHELL anyway!
posted by Anonymous at 10:04 PM | Permalink | 0 comments


Where oh where has my other half gone, oh where oh where can she be? Still waiting for my partner in crime to join me here and add a bit of her humor to the mix....hmmmmm. Wonder if she's in cyber-limbo somewhere? Should I look? Nah. She's a big girl. I'll give her another day or two. The site looks a bit, shall we say, bland, at the moment. Gonna add some bells and whistles as soon as we figure out what we wanna do with this place. Since we just "moved in" a couple of days ago, we're still in the process of un-packing....haven't had time to decorate yet!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:34 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, September 02, 2001

Can you say "dumbass"?

Comment a customer made to me at work today. "May I help you sir?" "I'm here to help my buddy pick up a "fridgerater." " "We don"t sell appliances here sir." "Sure ya do! I see my buddies truck right there in your lot!" Inner-breeding at it's finest. Nuff said.
posted by Barbie C. at 7:47 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Meet The New Neighbors!

Well, oh well. Where to begin? So little to much brain dysfunction. I hope you know I'm kidding here! I guess introductions would ba a good place to start . I'm Karma...1/2 of the hormonally challenged duo that will be writing here. Perhaps, in time, we'll add a few other mentally interesting people to the crew....but for now, I think we're all you're gonna need. I'm just your everyday kinda gal, living one day at a time in my own little world, that I lovingly call "La-La Land". I don't break the rules...I just kinda bend em a bit...It's all good! I'm not famous, or popular. I don't make a ton of moola, although I act like I do. I love my family, close friends, my pets and all of nature. I'm a very artistic, (not autistic!) ,although I really haven't found a medium to best express my talents. Yet. I'm a bit middle-aged....but my spirit doesn't know this and I hope it never will! Anyway...I hope to share my daily musings here, good and bad....wisdom or just plain ole crapola! My life isn't glamorous....but it sure as hell aint' boring. You'll see! Till whenever........
posted by Barbie C. at 7:31 PM | Permalink | 0 comments